Not Comply!
I tend to use the word "hate" loosely at times of anger and frustration. I've used the word to describe national leaders, criminals, etc. Honestly, I do not hate. I may be fuming mad, but I do not hate. I have been told, by multiple wise people, to pray for those I am frustrated or angry with. So, as I begin this post, I want you to all realize that there is no hatred in my heart, rather fear, frustration, and growing courage.
I've decided that though my voice is small, and maybe not heard by many, I should still voice my concerns, my opinion, and my hopes. Did our ancestors not fight for our freedom? Our freedom of religion, of speech, of all we can achieve. They did fight, and so will I.
If you know me well, you know that I am a proud, patriotic American. When my parents built their new home, I chose to decorate my room "rustic patriotic." And now, although I cannot afford much home decor, my house is decorated based around patriotic colors and a life of a "redneck."
My junior year of high school, in my history class, I remember a rather liberal girl, sitting behind me, loudly made a comment about how our troops are "low" and how America is no place to be proud of. I new that I would explode with anger if I didn't leave the room, so I stood up, gave her a look of frustration, and walked out of the classroom. I think she got my point, everyone else did. I had multiple friends tell me how surprised they were, that everyone knew I was obviously upset, because apparently I slammed the door, which in my moment of anger, I hadn't even realized I had done.
I cry when I listen to "I'm Proud to Be An American" by Lee Greenwood, or when I go to a flag ceremony.
I do! I love this country, I love it's roots, it's foundation, that every man is free! But, now, Satan is creeping in. He wants to bind us with his chains. He wants to take away our freedom.
It is continually getting worse. Ridiculous regulations are being made. Lives are being taken away, along with our rights and our freedom as men and women.
Federal government is wanting to ban lead bullets, because it is more harmful to the animal then a bullet without lead. They worry about hurting these poor ducks and such, but killing a baby, oh sure, that's just fine. I mean we "wouldn't want our daughters to be punished with a baby!" (-Obama in Pennsylvania) It doesn't matter if the baby is born or unborn; it is a life, a person, a child of God, and has every right to be given an earthly life. If you made the decision to put yourself in a place to where you could get pregnant, then you need to deal with that. A baby is never a punishment. I am beyond grateful to my biological mother who chose to deliver me, and then to give me up for adoption. Every life: embryo, fetus, infant, child, middle-aged, and elderly is precious!
Another new regulation is that children under the age of 16 are not allowed to work with farm equipment, including raw products, such as eggs.
Glenn Beck puts it best. I encourage you to watch these videos. He is a good man, he does not hate Obama, in fact he was one of those I spoke of earlier who said to not have hate, but rather pray for those you have a hard time with. He isn't trying to to attack anyone, but rather give courage to stand up for our rights and freedom.
I hope you choose to take the time to watch these videos, they are eye opening, touching, and encouraging.
It isn't about if you're black or white, democrat or republican, Jewish or Catholic. It's about making righteous decisions. We are all different, we will all have different opinions, and that is wonderful, but we should not just sit back, idly on our couches, hoping that it will eventually change. We have to fight for the change. Vote! Stand up against abortions, against teaching our children to be lazy, against the Federal Government trying to take our every right away. I am a Women. And I will fight for my rights, for my children's rights, for their freedom, for our freedom to worship God, to teach my children, to build my home on property
I bought, to gather eggs and plant a garden with my children, to eat Ding-Dongs if I want to eat them.
I Will Not Comply!
*I welcome you to share this post, or to write and express your own feelings. Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts, because they are worth being heard.