Friday, March 16, 2012

A Story

I'm sure most of you have had some type of Relief Society Birthday Party celebration of some sort, we sure did. My mom is our Relief Society President, and so we had a lovely diner, potato and salad bar, and cake with ice cream. It was delectable! After the dinner we played the game White Elephant, I'm sure you're all familiar of. Everyone brings a wrapped gift of something silly/random. You put them in the middle of the circle and then you take turns picking a gift from the pile and unwrapping it, or stealing someone else's gift. Well the gift I brought was a bottle of "Monkey Butt," a humerous gift I thought. Well a good friend, who has a good sense of humor chose it, which my mom than stole it from her. Side note: my mom brought like ten gifts just in case people forgot theirs, she went through her house and picked random things. Anyways, since my mom stole her gift, that meant she got to pick again, which she picked one of my moms gifts. As she was beginning to unwrap it, my mom leaned over to me and said "oh, I got this out of your old room, I assumed you wouldn't mind." Which I didn't at all, it was a little purple estee lauder make-up bag, which I have gotten multiple free ones from my previous work. I whispered back to my mom, "Did you check inside to make sure there was nothing in it?" It still had the plastic on the zipper, so my mom assumed it wasn't used, she said. So, a couple turns went by and I leaned over to my friend and asked if I could see the bag. I discretely opened it, and to my horror there were some panti-liners in it. Yes! Thank you mom! So I turned to my mom and showed her, she let out a loud gasp and grabbed the bag. I began to laugh so hard I cried. And then of course my dear friend Allison Pace, sitting next to me, reached over and grabbed it, opened it and showed everyone. We were all laughing so hard! Luckily I have a wonderful ward! Yes, the majority is women over the age of fifty, but they are all sweet and good humored. Definitely makes a good memory.

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